SAN-EI Corporation Official Blog


「 table tennis table 」 一覧

A Japanese magazine “the World Table Tennis” started to distribute video about SAN-EI Table tennis table.

The website of a Japanese magazine “the …


The article about SAN-EI table tennis table has been published in Tokachi Mainichi News.

The article about SAN-EI table tennis ta …

The article about SAN-EI table tennis table has been published in SANKEI DIGITAL, NIKKEY SHIMBUM, Kyodo News.

The article about SAN-EI table tennis ta …

The article about SAN-EI table tennis table has been published in IWATE NIPPO. (18th July, 2016)

The article about SAN-EI table tennis ta …

The article about SAN-EI table tennis table has been published in CHIBA NIPPO. (18th July, 2016)

The article about SAN-EI table tennis ta …


The article about SAN-EI table tennis table has been published in KAHOKU SHIMPO. (18th July, 2016)

The article about SAN-EI table tennis ta …


The article about SAN-EI table tennis table has been published in The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun. (18th July, 2016)

The article about SAN-EI table tennis ta …


SAN-EI supported the 2016 Olympic Legends vs Brazil Stars

SAN-EI supported the 2016 Olympic Legend …


SAN-EI infinity was published in the World Table Tennis August 2016 which is a Japanese magazine.

Our infinity has been featured in the Wo …


SAN-EI Latin Cup was held.

SAN-EI Latin Cup was held in Piracicaba, …